Neya Cybersecurity

Adapt to Changing Threats with Autonomous, Intelligent Cyber Autonomy

Autonomous ground vehicles rely heavily on software, sensors, and communication systems to operate. As with any connected device, hackers can exploit the vulnerabilities present within an autonomous ground vehicle's software or systems, leading to unauthorized access, data theft, remote manipulation – or even a complete takeover of the vehicle’s functions.

Developed, trained and tested using Neya’s Virtual Integration and Simulation Environment (VISE®), Neya’s cybersecurity program applies the new Department of Defense Zero Trust cybersecurity architecture to enhance the protection, mitigation, recovery and adaptability of autonomous ground vehicles—making Neya’s vehicles more secure than ever before. 


Key Features of Neya Cybersecurity

Built on DoD Zero Trust cybersecurity architecture 

Managed using the Autonomous Intelligent Cyber Agent (AICA) 

Supports the complete autonomous cyber mission plan/lifecycle 

Able to autonomously identify threats and risks to autonomous vehicle missions 

Hardened against malware and resistant to compromise


The development of Zero Trust cybersecurity strategies, complete with autonomous cyber detection, protection, response, and recovery, is critical to the safety and security of autonomous ground vehicles. Neya’s cybersecurity software is designed to be a completely self-contained cyber defender, capable of autonomously hunting, reporting, and defending threats that can exploit or disrupt missions.  

To manage this complex task, Neya Systems is using the Autonomous Intelligent Cyber-defense Agent (AICA) reference architecture to apply cyber extensions to its Mission Planning and Management Software (MPMS), including pre-mission cyber security checklists and configuration; cyber security profile management, and attack/defense response coordination and negotiation. 

For more information about Neya’s cybersecurity development efforts, contact us at